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Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE CENG)

About CIBSE CEng

The organization Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) is an association sustaining in the UK region. This association represents the mechanical, electrical and architectural engineers. In other words, this association is comprised of building services engineers. This association is a member of the Construction Industry Council. Engineering Council has licensed this association to include applicants on its Register of Professional Engineers.

Professional Registration

CIBSE is an institution licensed by the Engineering Council. This entitles the applicants registered with this association to gain viable benefits. These benefits involve the applicants to be registered for Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). However, the applicants will be able to relish these benefits after acquiring adequate professional skill and reaching the appropriate qualification level.


Kayley Lockhead IEng ACIBSE

CIBSE delivers the Registration process as Engineering Council has licensed this association. We nominate professionally competent and qualified candidates for registering in the UK Chartered Engineer.

Reasons for Registration

There are a few major benefits for achieving Registration including the sense of professional achievement.

  • Your professional status will be indicated through Registration. Your obligations to receive excellent practices will be demonstrated through this process along with your improvement of competence within the work field.
  • Your capabilities and knowledge level based on the competence level of the international market and the market of the UK region will be exhibited through this process of Registration.
  • The Registration process provides a substantial benefit to the Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer and Chartered Engineer over the unregistered candidates throughout the career. There are numerous situations where recruiting a registered engineer is essential for gaining contracts in the overseas and the UK region. Hence, it can be mentioned that employing a Chartered and Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician is crucial for an organization to grow business. There are also a few more benefits of the Registration Process like
  • This renders motivation within you by the provision of viable experience and knowledge.
  • This verifies and validates your credentials through an assessment process allowing you to remain completely satisfied with your qualifications.
  • This process is also the provision of a guarantee for your employer to know that you will follow the professional code of conduct.

Process of Registration

You are required to achieve a substantial level of membership in CIBSE for pertaining to Engineering Council Registration. You can read the details of the Registration process regarding each subject of CIBSE in the links below:

  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • Incorporated Engineer (IEng)
  • Engineering Technician (EngTech)

There are various benefits of registering with CIBSE and the Engineering Council. You can read about the professional gains of our previous members in our member case studies section.

International Engineering recognition

Applicants for International Professional Engineer (IntPE) and European Engineer (EUR ING) are also able to acquire facilities from CIBSE. These titles can be obtained by the Chartered Engineers to effortlessly gain international professional feasibility.


The objective of CIBSE is to sustain the Art, Science and Practice of building services engineering as explained in the Royal Charter. This is devised through the provision of first-class education services and information to our members. This is also achieved through the promotion of the spirit of fellowship that directs our work.
The primary focus of the institute or association is -

  • Promotion of competence by the provision of Registration, training and education.
  • Supplying contemporary and authentic knowledge of engineering, science and art through research, publications and membership networks.

CIBSE delivers a coordinating role through the provision of both the construction and engineering sectors of the economy. This influences a multi-disciplinary principle based on engineering and science in the constructed environment of the institution. This also invokes the supply of incorporated projects by operating with various individuals in construction.


There are over 21,000 members in the branches of CIBSE in about 94 countries in the month of June 2019. Currently, the institute is established in about 16 regions of the United Kingdom.
The overseas branches of this institute involve -

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Hong Kong
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

The major branches of CIBSE are in -

  • Sri Lanka
  • Singapore
  • Qatar
  • China
  • Canada

There are around eight grades of membership in CIBSE.
The upper four awarding designatory postnominals grades are -

  • Licentiate (LCIBSE)
  • Associate (ACIBSE)
  • Member (MCIBSE)
  • Fellow (FCIBSE)

There are four other membership grades with no designatory postnominals.
These grades are -

  • Affiliate
  • Student- part and full-time.
  • Graduate

The Engineering Council will grant the following designatory postnominals to the members of CIBSE for conducting professional registration:

  • Engineering Technician (EngTech)
  • Incorporated Engineering (IEng)
  • Chartered Engineering (CEng)

Report Samples and Statements

Sample reports of the successful applicants have been implemented by us to guide you in the process of Engineering Practice Report. These reports will also assist you to process Competence Statement through some viable tips on the content and layout.

Please note: These report samples are not regarding the 3rd edition of the UKSPEC. Thus, these reports do not involve Competence E5. However, you will be able to disseminate yourself with the documentation of the applicable Competence Criteria of F21, IM21, M21, A21, and L21. This will cover your competencies based on your Engineering Practice Report and Work Experience.

Our preceding applicants have benevolently delivered these sample reports that are written precisely to guide you. These reports should not be imitated in any method. Kindly choose the route you are obtaining from the alternatives provided below to advance to the suitable reports for that admission route:


Candidates of the CIBSE Fellow grade are assigned in this category. (Sample Reports on Demand)


MCIBSE C Eng and MCIBSE Engineering Practice Reports to develop your writing skills through various formats. (Sample Reports on Demand)


These reports are a substitute course for the applicants or candidates qualified as Incorporate Engineering Registration with the Member grade competence level. (Sample Reports on Demand)


ACIBSE IEng and ACIBSE Engineering Practice Reports with various formats to improve your writing. (Sample Reports on Demand)


LCIBSE EngTech Job Experience Report. (Sample Reports on Demand)

CEng Route

Chartered Engineer applicants CEng Route Competence Statement report samples. These candidates still require CIBSE membership. (Sample Reports on Demand)

IEng Route

Incorporate Engineer applicants’ IEng Route Competence Statement report samples. These candidates still require CIBSE membership. (Sample Reports on Demand)

CEng Route

Competence Statement for CEng Route

CEng applicants who are registered with the Engineering Council can choose CEng Route of CIBSE. The Fellow Grade of Member can be registered with the council from another institute and can choose for this Route.

These candidates must explain their CEng Level competence in the engineering building services field. Developing a statement of about 2000 words by utilizing the fact sheets F21 or M21.

Few of the Competence Statements are being presented below as an example to guide the candidates.

Member (MCIBSE):

  • MCIBSE Competence Statement 1 ( Sample Reports on Demand )

Fellow (FCIBSE):

  • FCIBSE Competence Statement 1( Sample Reports on Demand )
  • FCIBSE Competence Statement 2( Sample Reports on Demand )


MCIBSE and MCIBSE CEng Engineering Practice Reports

The competence criteria of the candidates based on the MCIBSE as mentioned in M21 will be written by you in the Engineering Practice Report within 4000 to 5000 words. There are two types of formats for this report:

Competence Based- The candidates are required to initiate with competence A1 in this format. They also need to explain few projects based on this area of competence that they have already covered.

Project Based- The candidates are required to utilize two to three projects to elucidate the competencies that they have already covered

A number of sample reports are provided below to guide the candidates for developing the Engineering Practice Report through both the formats.

Competency Based:

  • MCIBSE Sample 1 (Sample on Demand)
  • MCIBSE Sample 2 (Sample on Demand)

Project Based:

  • MCIBSE Sample 1 (Sample on Demand)

Continuing Professional Development - CPD

Processing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a viable responsibility of the candidates. CPD refers to the schematic development of the knowledge base and skill level of the applicants of CIBSE. This process is the implementation of contemporary practices for the improvement of competencies through the progression of time.

The Code of Professional Conduct is the viable guideline that is imposed on the members of CIBSE. The members of the association are provided with the CIBSE CPD Guide for Members to have a better understanding of the CPD activities. In the association MYCIBSE field allows a member to register their CPD in a single module.

There are various activities regarding the CPD of a CIBSE member. These Activities are:

  • Mentoring or Supporting Others
  • E-Learning or Flexible
  • Writing Articles or Papers
  • Professional Institution Committee work
  • Academic Courses
  • CIBSE Network, Society, Group or Regional Meetings
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • In-house Programs
  • Private Study and Reading
  • On-job Learning

CIBSE Membership

Technical Report Route (TRR) to IEng Registration – A23

After you are accepted as an ACIBSE, you might seek Incorporated Engineer (IEng) registration with the Engineering Council of UK. However, if you do not meet the requirements set by the council, you would have to write a technical report. This report should be separate from that of the Engineering Practice Report which is also required for CIBSE membership. This should be submitted after gaining approval for ACIBSE. The exemplifying qualifications for IEng is an accredited Bachelor's Degree or it may be BTEC HNC/D with other associated further learning qualifications.

Significance of the Technical Report

Purpose of this technical report is to prove your competence and show that you have the same level of competency as that of a person with exemplifying qualifications. For registration at IEng level, you need to show that have knowledge equivalent knowledge to that of BEng (Hons)- Bachelor of Engineering. Your technical report should be much like your portrayal of decision making and problem solving that appear to be building characteristics of engineering fundamentals. Your report should normally be based on your project and what you have done during the project. This should also be able to mention your contribution towards the projects and how you have been able to handle the situation. It must be kept in mind that the report should be able to compensate for the lack of academic qualifications. However, this report should not be about your skills and knowledge as that would be covered by the Engineering Practice Report (see fact sheets A20 and A21).

The application procedure

During the registration process you will need to provide contact details of your mentor and a brief or synopsis of what you will include in the technical report. Other information that would be asked are mentioned below:

Mentor support:

In the planning process, CIBSE strongly recommends the help of a Mentor, who should be a holder of IEng or CEng registration with the ECUK. They can be colleagues at work, a teacher or trainer, who has immense knowledge about the building blocks of Engineering and is a building services Engineer. Moreover, you should choose a mentor that you can trust and is willing to help you out. Make sure to go through the requirements of ECUK Registration as it will guide you to take a proper approach with the technical report.


As mentioned earlier, there is a need to submit a synopsis of your technical report to the CIBSE for gaining approval. Follow the Synopsis Guidance Sheet before writing the synopsis, which is given at the end of the synopsis form. Response to each of the Four sections should not be more than 250 words. CIBSE would respond to the synopsis form within 8-10 weeks stating you to proceed as per guidelines or they may reject the application and will mention to amend it.

NB: submit the form and the documents via email and by post as supporting documentation.

The technical report:

Content: The completed report should include a written explanation of the diagrams and calculations. This will help to show your understanding of the fundamentals. Some of the important areas to show your competency are mathematical aspects and calculations, use of proper software for solving problems, application of analysis and modeling, use of sustainable technologies. Apart from these, scientific knowledge of materials and properties of them, application of knowledge from technical resources and methods, application of engineering processes like designing and implying any development also stands empirical.

NB: make sure to include your own thoughts and works for the technical report. If you are doing calculations, make sure to put them in the appendices and not in the main body of the report.

Structure: The report should be framed in English with introduction, aim, discussion and evaluation. The report should be written on your own and it should not be framed on the base of other reports unless and until that information is used in the appendices. The below structure should be maintained.



Introduction to the report and what it is about

Aim -

goal or aim of the report

Background -

set the scene here. Give a short brief and provide an image of the entire report.

Technical content and description

Draw out the fundamentals and technical aspects in this section. You can support this section with calculations, diagrams, concepts and theories.


Conclude with summary of what were the results, successes or failures.

Evaluation and Reflection

Evaluate what lessons you have learnt through the experience, how you will utilize it. Assess the success and failure of the report with your own critical viewpoint. State what was the reason(s) for success or failure. Link them to fundamental engineering principles. What were the risks, who were tackled and in all these make sure to stress on yourself, your decisions, your strategies and implied techniques.

Supporting documents may include:

Appendices: Here the supporting information for the report should be provided. Mention the sources of the information and their relevance with the main report.

Diagrams: These should be with the text in the main report and in close proximity with the descriptions of these diagrams.

Reference sources: a clear list of the sources from where you have gathered your information should be provided. These can be books, journals, newspapers, articles etc.

NB: provide a good reasoning and understanding the principles and concepts of the aspects where you use software and modeling techniques, codes and standards.

Length: It can be up to 6000 words as per the need. The expected length of the report would vary as per your qualifications and the guidelines are given below on an appropriate basis only.

If You Alreday Hold: Approximate word count
HND/HNC or equivalent 3000-4000
ND/NC 4000-5000
No Appropriate Qualifications 5000-6000

Assessment Criteria:

1. Science and mathematics and associated building services engineering would include

A. Knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles, which are used in current scenario

B. Knowledge of mathematics to support the application of key concepts

2. Engineering analysis

A. Ability to apply the concepts and analyse the results as well as modeling to use that for continuous improvement

B. Application of quantitative methods and software knowledge for applying those to building services engineering

C. Ability to solve engineering knowledge for solving problems

D. Application of systems approach to engineering problems

3. Design awareness

A. Knowledge and understanding of problems for deciding proper solutions for the same

B. Ability to ensure the proper maintenance of operations, reliability of the same

After completing the report, you should submit three copies in total, which should be endorsed from the mentor along with the fees for technical report assessment.

The technical report interview

If your technical report is approved by the CIBSE assessor, you will be called for a Technical Report Interview at CIBSE’s head office in London. Here, you will pay the interview fees and present your brief, based on which you will be interviewed about the technical report and above assessment criteria would be used here.

Professional Review Interview

If you get selected in the interview process, you will be called for professional review right away. No need to make another appointment for this. Any update in your experience should be asked for in this stage, followed by which CIBSE membership will be offered. You should be prepared to discuss the Development Action Plan for CPD. criteria for the assessment would be based on the information provided in fact sheet A21.

The stages are explained in the form of flowchart in the next part

Additional information


The fees currently applicable to the technical report route are as follows:

Amount Payable
Administration Fee £ 110.00 with initial application
£ 170.00 with submission of the Technical report
£ 180.00 on approval of the technical report, prior to the interview stage


The CIBSE would accept applications for technical reports anytime but make sure to have completed the application process of ACIBSE before applying for the Technical Report.


If you decide to cancel your interview, CIBSE may ask for administrative charges

Further Information:

More information is available from the Membership Officers at CIBSE Head Office during office hours. Contact on-020 8675 5211 or Email at: membership-apps@cibse.org

Technical Report Route Flowchart

Below are the main steps involved in the technical report for Engineering council registration. The progression however would be based on the success in each stage.

CIBSE Application Report

Top 10 Reasons to choose MyCDRHelp.com

We hold the apex position in providing services regarding CDR writing for engineers Australia. We are known to have very high success records for consistent team of professional writers having years of experience in the field of CDR preparation. We provide the best and trusted service for CDR writing and reviewing of all kinds of engineering disciplines. We provide services for career episode writing, plagiarism check and removal etc.

  • Each section of the CDR is presented in a coherent form, while taking in account the pre-eminent features.
  • The summary statement for the applied occupation is given special attention, as it is the most proficient aspect of the CDR.
  • Utmost emphasis is laid on the various sections of the CDR, from introduction to Summary, in order to ensure that every segment is presented precisely.
  • Preparation of CDR is done by a comprehensive evaluation of the projects in order to provide details to cater to the requirements by Engineers Australia for Australian immigration Competency Demonstration Report.
  • Technical jargons are avoided and each error is corrected as well as any inadequacy is taken care of within the required time duration for the CDR to be approved by EA.
  • Each section of the CDR is assessed as per the standards laid down by MSA (Migration Skill Assessment Booklet) in order to provide meticulous CDR.
  • MyCDRHelp.com ensures the client that they will be provided with the best quality CDR, that abides by the Australian immigration standards framed by Engineers Australia.
  • The qualified connoisseurs apply an analytical process so that the achievements of the clients are in accordance with their desired position and educational lineup.
  • Appropriate Australian English is used by the professional writers to write the content of the CDR to make it affluent.
  • It is made sure by the professionals of MyCDRHelp.com that CDR complies with the Australian standards and consists of the desired characteristics of the required profession of the client.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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