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Registration Via IET Route

Professional Registration VIA IET

What is IET in Professional Registration?

IET is a license provided to expert technicians and engineers by the Engineering Council and this is considered as a reward for the professional engineering qualifications that are described in UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). In addition, this is also considered as a specialised dignity for the engineers. Licensed bodies like the ‘Engineering Councils’, provide dignity for the engineers who have competence, knowledge and commitment to activity of professionalism. IET has the license to award the followings:

  • Incorporated Engineer (IEng)
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • ICT Technicians (ICT Tech)
  • Engineering Technicians (EngTech)

Why should you be registered?

Certain merits are associated with getting registered for professionalism for the engineers that ultimately contributes to upliftment of status in the career graph of those engineers. Such advantages include:

  • Recognition and gaining fame as a professional in own field
  • Having greater influence within own organisation
  • Usage of a title that is internationally protected, e.g. ICT Technicians
  • Development of remuneration or salaries and improving career opportunities
  • Global recognition through professional commitment and competence
  • Chances of improving connection with influential and famous people
  • Public recognition for excellent professional skills
  • Demonstrating ethical credentials
  • Improving opportunities of promotion and upliftment
  • Contributes to the upliftment of skills and confidence in own field

CEng/IEng Professional Registration Via IET/ Career Manager


Professional registration via IET needs application to be submitted to the higher authority licensed bodies. These applications are furthermore evaluated in terms of UK-SPEC commitment statements and competence. Certain requirements are associated for applying for the CEng application via IET, out of which some are described as follows:

  • A detailed information about employment history in own field
  • Assessment of competency for professional registration
  • Designation of development plan and accountability diagram
  • Technical report and professional service

“We will complete the Full Evidence Statement for competences A/B/C/D/E and the Additional Evidence of UK & U form.”

Registration checklist

The proper format of professional registration form is designated through the headings as designed below:

Provision of personal detailed information

Personal information of an individual includes address, provision of contact number, mail id and also mentioning the current employment status of that particular.


  • Latest update about education of an engineer is required to be mentioned. Furthermore, higher academic qualification is also to be denoted in this section. Apart from this, you should also mentioned if you are already registered with IET, like, BEng, M.Sc., Meng, HNC and many more like these.
  • If any work-based learning, internship or training is provided to that individual before is also to be mentioned in the education section in the application form. If the qualifications are not included in the ‘drop down’, click on the ‘others’ section.
  • Provision of copy of further education certificates (if any) along with transcript of it. A signature of one supporter is at least essential to provide the originality of documents, especially for the ones who gained qualifications 2013 onwards.


Description of Role

The previous employment status is described in this portion. If you have played any voluntary role, it should also be mentioned along with the mandatory fields, the employer you worked for. You should mention your voluntary participation by clicking on the drop-down box named as ‘employment type’. This voluntary participation includes ‘School’s liaison’, ‘IET committee membership’ and many more other sections that contribute to upliftment of engineering and technological profile of that individual.

In addition, Unit boxes and Ranks are associated with the ones joining from ‘Armed Forces’. You can make selection for the voluntary roles to be considered for registration application along with print out of ‘master CV record’ or registration application. The size of the application form for professional registration depends upon amount of text and word counts included in the ‘responsibilities’ and ‘achievements’ sections that are mentioned below.


  • Professional registration for services in own field need complete description of employment and voluntary work status. Detailed descriptions of these two are needed for evaluation in professional registration for an individual employee (in this case engineers and technicians). The above-mentioned responsibilities are to be followed:
  • For this particular section you need to highlight own qualities and competencies in. Showcasing your skills and competencies would help to lure the attention of interviewers so that when you walk in, they are already impressed.
  • Other than this, you should also present you responsibilities and contributions instead of just a bland description of your job. Maintain a character count of 3000 for this.

Some rules to be followed when responsibilities are mentioned in this section that includes:

  • Clear demonstration of individual job role and responsibility. Focus on “I” rather than “we”
  • Make less usage of unnecessary Jargons.
  • Illustration of capabilities and competencies in job role should be specifically demonstrated. Try to provide exact and particular example of job role that supports the responsibly of applicant individual and is relevant in describing role and competencies in previous organisations. Relevant metrices are also appreciated here.
  • Indicate your responsibility and role in handling complex tasks are to be mentioned in this portion. Provide more attention on stating your responsibility through usage of scales or numbers. In addition, if any financial terms of activity and budgets are supervised by you, these should be highlighted in this portion for making it easy for the recruiters to assess your skills. Moreover, number of people that were supervised under your responsibility should be mentioned
  • Thus, it is the applicant’s responsibility to clearly demonstrate roles, responsibilities and liabilities that were performed with care and discipline. This makes it easier for interviewers and makes it flexible for them to understand the competencies and capabilities of an interviewee. Provide a clear summary of your own capabilities and keep in mind that this will be your selling point and hence be careful about this.
  • The submitted application for professional registration is primarily checked by IET staff. If the staffs consider the application form perfect, they will proceed to the section of ‘Professional Review Interview’. If not, the applicant is further requested to provide additional information. The assessors and evaluators will go through following evidences and proofs that supports a good career history, following:
  • Contextual description about the technical or engineering decisions that applicant made
  • The way of representing technical data and having a clear review of it by other experts in their own field
  • Examples of demonstrating technical information includes provision of graphs, diagrams and plans and many more
  • Detailed information about investigation in technical field includes data collection, sources identification and clarifying associated outcomes
  • Process of ensuring quality of data by the applicant is evaluated by assessors
  • Including calculations, usage of prototypes, simulations, engineering software used helps applicants to garner attention
  • Justification for technical and engineering decisions are to be described with appropriate reasons. For example, how data is considered together and results of those calculations needs to be justified
  • Identifying the methods of reaching project’s goals and objectives and how the applicant individual would change decisions and methods of handling projects that change technically are to be described in the form.


You should highlight the significant achievements within that particular job or volunteer role such as receiving an award for your contributions.

    Professional Development Scheme (if applicable)

    Must provision of details of:

    • Mention the Professional Development Scheme you have completed you have completed e.g. Apprenticeship Scheme, Cisco or Microsoft Certification, Employer Professional Development Scheme etc.
    • Mention the scheme number, if accredited by the IET. A list of Employer Professional Development Schemes accredited by the IET

    If the Professional Development Scheme was accredited by any other institution, make sure to record under previous and other current schemes. Also name the accrediting institution and scheme if possible.

    Professional Services, Papers & Presentations

    Make use of this section to record Professional Services, Papers Presented etc. Following is to be included:

    • If any paper, report or patent is published with your name (if your work in a research environment, please make sure to summarise your publications, which dates back to no more than 5 years)
    • Any significant technical reports you have written (or co-authored) during your career which demonstrate your technical ability.


    Make sure to provide details of any relevant training courses taken for professional development. Provide details of the awarding body or any recognised service provider. This may include workshops, lectures, conferences, seminars and if any job training has been taken relevant to the profession.

    Professional Registration Advisor (PRA)

    If you are looking for advice on application procedure, please search for PRA via the IET website www.theiet.org/advice. PRAs are members, who have detailed knowledge of routes to professional registration. A PRA will be able to guide you through the presentation of a formal application. Once you locate a local PRA, you may export a draft copy of the application to a Word document via Career Manager by selecting the ‘Preview Professional Registration Application’ hyperlink on the registration checklist area.

    Supporting Document

    Provide the following documents for supporting your application form:

Accountability Diagram

Provision of an up-to-date accountability diagram including the following details:

  • Two or three levels of authority above and below the post
  • The post (indicate this with an arrow).
  • Mention the category as well as membership details of the any professionally registered member of the IET or similar professional bodies
  • If you have changed his/her job within the last three years, a separate diagram is to be included for relevant for all the date(s).
  • If organisation operates a flat-based structure, that is to be illustrated.
  • Please avoid using any form of picture or shading as this simply increase the size of the image.

Verified Certificates

Provide copies of all further or higher education certificate(s) and transcript(s) with the application:

If an individual is applying for an approved apprentice route, there is a need of including a transcript of the units that have been completed with Apprenticeship Certificate.

Verified Assessment Summary

Also known as a ‘Professional Registration Assessment’ on Career Manager.

If the interviewee has a completed Professional Registration Competence Assessment, this is to be included for supporting professional registration application. Include a pdf copy of ‘Assessment Summary Report’ and make sure to verify this by at least one of the supporters within four weeks of the date of application. Upload it within the ‘Supporting Document’ area of Career Manager, selecting’ Verified Assessment Summary’ as the upload file type is necessary.

N.B: This document is just for further evidence to support the application. Hence, as an applicant you are obligated to complete all elements of application form including a detailed employment history. If all the areas of application are not completed, this may be returned back to provide additional experience.

Development Action Plan

Please upload a development action plan with your registration application. This shows a demonstration of commitment of employee for maintaining and continuing professional competence. There is no necessity of linking this to an organisation and can be self-managed.

The development action plan is not a record of past development – this in fact would be needed in following application and is a plan for the future with short- and long-term goals with measures of achieving them.

If you are using Career Manager to plan your development, you need to export a copy of the development action plan from My Development. Remember, you can showcase your forward planning by exporting copy of all the active objectives.

Top 10 Reasons to choose MyCDRHelp.com

We hold the apex position in providing services regarding CDR writing for engineers Australia. We are known to have very high success records for consistent team of professional writers having years of experience in the field of CDR preparation. We provide the best and trusted service for CDR writing and reviewing of all kinds of engineering disciplines. We provide services for career episode writing, plagiarism check and removal etc.

  • Each section of the CDR is presented in a coherent form, while taking in account the pre-eminent features.
  • The summary statement for the applied occupation is given special attention, as it is the most proficient aspect of the CDR.
  • Utmost emphasis is laid on the various sections of the CDR, from introduction to Summary, in order to ensure that every segment is presented precisely.
  • Preparation of CDR is done by a comprehensive evaluation of the projects in order to provide details to cater to the requirements by Engineers Australia for Australian immigration Competency Demonstration Report.
  • Technical jargons are avoided and each error is corrected as well as any inadequacy is taken care of within the required time duration for the CDR to be approved by EA.
  • Each section of the CDR is assessed as per the standards laid down by MSA (Migration Skill Assessment Booklet) in order to provide meticulous CDR.
  • MyCDRHelp.com ensures the client that they will be provided with the best quality CDR, that abides by the Australian immigration standards framed by Engineers Australia.
  • The qualified connoisseurs apply an analytical process so that the achievements of the clients are in accordance with their desired position and educational lineup.
  • Appropriate Australian English is used by the professional writers to write the content of the CDR to make it affluent.
  • It is made sure by the professionals of MyCDRHelp.com that CDR complies with the Australian standards and consists of the desired characteristics of the required profession of the client.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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