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APEGS Work Experience Reporting

APEGS Work Experience Reporting

Firstly make sure to go through the reporting guidelines thoroughly before beginning the work experience submission. This would greatly enhance the chances of success and therefore avoid the hassle of rejection.

For instructions and guidelines on experience reporting :-

Note 1: registered members-in-training and member-in-training applicants (international applicants), assigned with confirmatory exams, can commence with the experience reporting.

Note  2: If you have experience as a professional engineer in the United States and also have NCEES record, your NCEES record will be sufficient for experience reporting. This means, your NCEES record would be enough for the APEGS form submission, no experience report would be needed in this case.

Results of experience review are never provided over phone, it is provided over email whenever they are ready. Please do not contact the APEGS office for the results. It would take 1 to 3 months for reviewing the experience report and if there is any problem regarding the report, you will be contacted.

Work experience reporting: Engineering

As said before, make sure to read all the guidelines and requirements for experience reporting, this will enhance the chances of success.

This page contains information about the recently updated experience reporting rules of Competency Based Assessment (CBA). This recent update came into account on January 1, 2019. Click here for the detailed specifications of change regarding CBA for engineering in training. If you find yourself eligible for the paper based system, click here for more information.

If you are a professional engineer in the United States and is up to date with the NCEES record, your NCEES record would be sufficient for experience reporting, references and academic documents. Hence, there would not be any need of submitting experience reports for the APEGS form.

This webpage contains information about the new CBA system.
You will find related documents as well as links at the bottom of this page.

  • Competency assessment guide for applicants, assessors, validators
  • Link to the online CBA reporting system
  • Orientation presentation on CBA Experience Reporting
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Work Experience reporting- Geo-science

You must ensure that you have been through all the guidelines and experience reporting guidelines and experience reporting requirements before commencing with the experience reporting. This will enhance your chances of success and avoid the hassle of rejection.

This page contains information about the paper based experience reporting for Geoscientists-in-training:

  • Orientation presentation on work experience reporting and recording YouTube video
  • Geoscience Experience reporting form
  • Changes regarding engineers-in-training on Sept 11, 2018 has been posted below as Experience Guideline 1
  • Appendix 2- Examples of Geoscience experiments
  • Experience Guideline 3
  • Mentor Approval form
  • Self check list - Geoscience
  • Mentor Request form
  • Significance of Regulatory Agencies Guideline APRIL 2018

YouTube videos regarding the paper based work experience reporting orientation have been posted at the bottom of this page. This paper based system is applicable in case of Geoscientists-in-training, but is applicable for certain engineers-in-training only. These engineers are those who have submitted at least one experience report before Jan 1, 2019. It should be noted that the applicant must use the new Competency-Based Assessment system.

Keep track of the below points before filling out the experience reporting forms:

  • Always make use of the recent version of the reporting form, locate the download data below each attachment.
  • Make use of the “Self-checklist” and “work experience reporting orientation presentation” given below for completing your report.

Microsoft word 2003 was used for creating experience reporting forms. Hence, for opening it, make sure to save it to your computer, close the same and then open it again. It will open in the Microsoft word. The hyperlinks as well as other features should function normally.

Follow the below points after submission:

  • APEGS would require 1 to 3 months for receiving, reviewing and completing the assessment
  • For any problem, we will contact you

NB: we send experience results by email and never by phone. Please do not contact APEGS for any form of information about experience results. You can track the status of your APEGS office with the help of your online profile by clicking the “Login” in the top right corner of the APEGS page. Then you can navigate to the “Applications” then select the member application workflow.