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Civil engineer CDR sample

Career Episode 1 on CDR Sample 5 Civil Engineer

A) Introduction

[CE 1.1] I applied civil engineering skills in the project which has the below details:

Project Name: Periyar Valley Irrigation Project
Duration: [Date] – [Date]
Location: [Location]
Position: Civil Engineer

B) Background

[CE 1.2] The controlled releases usage of the Periyar valley irrigation project envisaged from the Ennakal Dam, which typically construction from the Edamlayar, one of the major Periyar River tributaries. The designing of the dam was based on the 1017.8 mm3 live storage which was for numerous purposes usage including the salinity control, domestic and industrial uses, power production, irrigation, and navigation. The reservoir release pattern was typically deployed on the irrigation along with other necessary needs.

[CE 1.3] The objective of the work was based on the analysis of the Periyar valley irrigation project which was based on the Kerala agricultural lands irrigation. I analyzed the major agricultural land portion which constituted of rice. During summer, the rice production faced adequate scarcity and it led to the vide gap among the rice needs demand and production. The production of rice faces great scarcity in the waster requirements during summer. I obtained a beneficial area of 32800 ha. of lands from the Periyar valley irrigation project.

[CE 1.4] The project duties were accomplished with the technical responsibilities execution in the civil engineering domain and it was done well under the significant guidance of the project manager.

[CE 1.5] Prepared chart:

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[CE 1.6] The core duties of the project were:

  • I carried out the public research with the datasheet which was divided between the people for appropriate water schedule utilization.
  • I calculated the depth of the water flow which was followed with the top width obtained from the sections of canal using civil engineering knowledge.
  • Participating in configuring network equipment including switches and routers
  • I conducted marking of all the ropes at various points which was based on dividing the channel within various compartments which was attained utilizing civil engineering expertise.
  • I did the slit particles placements for noting the readings with the execution of civil engineering understanding.
  • I noted appropriate readings and analyzed the minor alterations in the reading using my civil engineering knowledge.

C) Personal Engineering Activity

[CE 1.7] I investigated the suitable means for providing the needed supply of water to ayacut area, reliably, timely and equitably, mainly for enhancing sustained productivity by appropriate and rational techniques from the irrigated commands. I opted for the revamping program which required measurement of the water supply at the field level up to the end of the tail. It was also needed to take adequate measures for enhancing the productivity of agriculture at the irrigated commands and measures for working on the capacity of the augmenting reservoir.

[CE 1.8] I split the project area into 3 distinct groups which included the thinly populated hill slopes, mountainous forest areas, the industrial belt, and the heavily populated plains. I selected the biggest stretches in the area of low lying swamps. I analyzed the mountainous regions which were based on the disintegrated rocks and these were mixed with the rock and boulders with a loam thin layer. I carried out the response analysis of the inhabitants surrounding the area which was based on the system workability with adequate usability. I conducted a public survey with the datasheet which was distributed among the people including the details of the schedule water usage. I worked on the maintenance and portability with the system upkeep. It was noted that the system lacked adequate maintenance from the filled up datasheet and there was water amount inadequacy for meeting the necessary needs and I conducted research on this using the technical knowledge.

[CE 1.9] I worked on the cross-sectional area which was dependent on the canal section consideration. I worked on the water flow depth and the top width was obtained from the canal sections. I formulated the rectangular section based on the canal system which was done using the formula.

A = BY

I directly linked the bed width with the rectangular case section which was based on the top width measurement of the respective sections. I calculated the bed width which worked with the trapezoidal section as shown in the following formula.

T = B + 2ZY

I selected the lining with cement pre-cast slabs which were an appropriate technique for handling the molded slabs at the convenient size in the cement concrete with the ratio of 1:3:6. These were placed according to levels and lines resulted in the smooth surface. I grouted the joints and these were painted with the cement mortar followed with the expansion joints. I recommended to fill them with bituminous mastics provided with 5 meters intervals. I carried out the work in a convenient manner and the technique offered the facility for carrying out the rectification. I preferred and recommended the lining with pre-cast cement concrete slabs for effective supervision.

[CE 1.10] I analyzed the surface floats made of light material including corks and these were floated on the surface. I supervised the painting on top and attached it with the mark for distinguishing it from another object. I stretched two wire ropes across the section of the channel at the initial point and conducting the test at the selected endpoint. I termed the distance as test reach and the third rope was stretched based on the test reach of up to 15 to 20m. I marked all the three ropes at numerous points which were to split the channel within numerous compartments with the defining of the centerline for the floats.

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I dropped the floats in water which was along with numerous paths closer to the third rope. It assisted in acquiring uniform velocity by the time which entered the test reach. I attained the float points for the travel time test reach which followed the correct track while carrying out the recording.

[CE 1.11] I implemented the testing process based on the slit which obtained the section for transferring to 1000ml measuring cylinder. I mixed the slit with water with a complete 1000ml volume. I thoroughly mixed the slit with water for allowing the escaping of air. It was mostly done for keeping the measuring cylinder free from the air-filled pores. I after filling all the pores with water kept the settling mixture without any disturbances. I then placed the slit particles settled layer for noting the readings. I took the readings and noted the minor fluctuations in the reading. There was the water drain present in the settled layer top and worked on transferring the settled portion to the china clay dish which was then placed in an oven at the temperature of 110 degrees for the 24 hours. I then weighted the dry slit particles and the dry unit weight was obtained with the total volume dry weight ratio. I suggested the removal technique while obtaining the dry unit weight and carried out economically and periodically. I collected the samples from the selected portions only and completed the calculations.

[CE 1.12] Problem: The technical hurdle was faced related to the grouting of joints which were needed to be addressed using the adequate expertise.

Solution: I applied civil engineering knowledge for joints grouting and it led towards painting with the cement mortar. I then worked on the expansion joints and noted the results utilizing technical expertise.

[CE 1.13] Problem:There was the requirement of the carrying out the necessary calculations related to the water flow depth for addressing the canal sections depth.

Solution: I did the water flow depth calculations which was based on the top width and it was obtained from the canal sections utilizing civil engineering expertise. I did the ropes marking at numerous based on splitting the channel within numerous compartments.

D) Summary

[CE 1.14] I conducted in-depth research on the Periyar valley irrigation system functioning which included the current condition research with the Periyar valley irrigation system functioning. I worked on the flow parameters analysis and it was based on the system which lacked efficiency. I adopted the revamping process which was mandatory for performance improvement. I analyzed various constraints in the system execution with the consideration of certain remedies and various methodologies were adopted to acquire.

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We hold the apex position in providing services regarding CDR writing for engineers Australia. We are known to have very high success records for consistent team of professional writers having years of experience in the field of CDR preparation. We provide the best and trusted service for CDR writing and reviewing of all kinds of engineering disciplines. We provide services for career episode writing, plagiarism check and removal etc.

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  • Preparation of CDR is done by a comprehensive evaluation of the projects in order to provide details to cater to the requirements by Engineers Australia for Australian immigration Competency Demonstration Report.
  • Technical jargons are avoided and each error is corrected as well as any inadequacy is taken care of within the required time duration for the CDR to be approved by EA.
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