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What a CER should focus on

CER is a short description no longer than four (4) sheets that should concentrate on and deal with the following:-
  1. how a particular task was obtained,
  2. the procedure pursued,
  3. the judgments are given rise to,
  4. the outcomes and findings attained and,
  5. have applicable supporting papers and information attached.
Career Episode Report Writing For Engineers Australia is a structured document that enables surveyors to indicate how they are about their professional and specialized aptitudes in their day-to-day work. It is a description of any strategy or length of work that highlights their professional integrity and abilities. A CER is about a chore you have finalized within the preceding two years of the date of renewal or a time duration at the discretion of the Boar
d. A CER is not an explanation of how you would finalize a job and nor is it a summary or overview of work conducted by someone else even if that individual was being overseen by you. 
Why it is crucial?
As a portion of the renewal of the registration procedure, all registrants are compelled to self-certify that they have conserved their competency. Each year, a spontaneous selection of 10% of registrants (except Surveying Graduates) is compelled to give documentary information of their competency to the Board. This is attained by the compliance of a CER which is evaluated by a Board appointed assessor. Once a CER is adequately finalized a registrant is prohibited from the random nomination procedure for the next two years. A CER must address the units and components within the respective competency framework. A CER does not have to deal with every descriptor within a component. The CER should include sufficient detail to ascertain to the Assessor the efforts deemed by the surveyor and the procedure and method pertained to finalize the chore encompassing reference to quality confirmation procedures. Need some help in forming your CDR report?