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Dos and Donts Competency Demonstration Report

The full meaning of CDR is, Competency Demonstration Report, which is required for every engineer who is willing to migrate to Australia. CDR report is a competency demonstration of skills and qualities of an engineer who has no legal qualifications. CDR report Australia is an original and technical report which is used to evaluate the competency and education level of Engineers. A CDR report is a tunnel which helps the engineers to look forward to getting a migration Visa for Australia. Engineers Australia, assessing committee has given a set of guidelines to prepare the CDR report.
  • To complete the CDR these documents are required ;
  1. passport size photograph (35mm * 45mm)
  2. Document for prime passport, like current passport, a page which includes a photo, name.
  3. Certificate for Academic degree, your letter will be accepted as a substitute for Australian qualifications but before only graduation.
  4. Transcript for complete and official academic, this must include recognition of prior learning.
  5. Well-formed resume.
  6. Test report form of IELTS either forms the TOEFL iBT results.
  7. A document which is enough to verify the name, like gazette publication, letter, the certificate needs to be issued by the registry.
  8. One should have a registration certificate approved by the relevant licensing authority.
  9. Documental evidence for employment at least for 12 months.
  10. CPD list (continuing Professional Development).
  11. Three episodes of career.
  12. The nominated category should have a summary statement.

Every document should be uploaded separately and every document should be translated into the official English language. Perhaps you will be instructed through the EA about writing off your CDR report on your own. So that you can demonstrate your communication skills to the assessor. But somehow you present a poorly written report; you might lose the chances to settle down in Australia. Engineers Australia assessment writing services, grants assistance for the candidates for the CDR report to win the positive repose from the EA. In the CDR report writing services, professional prepare the report that already helped lots of Engineers. Professional writers prepare well-customized reports according to specific career roles and achievements. Above list of documents should be scanned and submitted instead of their original forms;
  1. Original document’s certified copy.
  2. The scan should be black and white.
  3. the photocopy should be scanned.
  4. scan should be done with low resolution.
  5. All scans should be scanned under the resolution of 300dpi.
  6. Refrain every document before uploading, accident if you submit the original document, the process will automatically be delayed.