Can I Apply Directly Immigration Based on CDR Assessment
If you ask technically, then no! It’s not a mandate to get your experience assessment done by EA (Engineers Australia). Rather you can go through the immigration procedure with only a positive CDR. If you reach out to the EA for an experience assessment, it is more like a comprehensive trial. And, in cases wherein the assessment has a positive outcome, you are doubly sure of a positive Visa process as well.
However, if you chose to bypass the experience assessment process, you must submit all necessary work documents along with your CDR at Visa stage.
What do the documents entail?- From Offer Letters, Joining Letters, Promotion Letters, Release Letters, everything that validates your tenure in a specific organization at a given time
- Letters highlighting JD, role, and responsibilities towards each of the profile you held
- Any pay slips or bank details to validate your earnings
- Documents validating PF withdrawals, superannuation etc.
- Other relevant documents validating your employment proofs
CDR Report offers quality consultancy and assistance with preparation of CDR (Competency Demonstration Report), RPL(Recognition of Prior Learning), and KA 02 (Knowledge Assessment 02). Our professional team of writers and experienced immigration consultants provide complete handholding through the entire process. Applicants can either get the reports prepared (end to end/or some parts of it) or reviewed by the experienced team at the most affordable charges. We also offer
CDR report samples for your reference.
Our high quality and premium
CDR writing services have ensured success to hundreds of immigration applicants over these years. As we strive to continue with this journey, join us for a smooth Visa procedure and effective consulting.
You can apply directly. The firm requirement is only the Skill Assesment to get the visa. As a CDR expert with cdr report, I have gone through the documents of EA for engineers students, it is mentioned in the Engineers Australia guidelines that the experience is necessary but not mandatory. It is only the guidelines but to apply for a visa you only need skill assessment. So the duration is only a guideline, the real criteria are the skills/competencies.
The work documents of your work experience need to acquire the visa are as follows:-
- All the documents related to your job like your offer latter, joining letter, promotional letter, your releasing letter.
- Payslip of earning
- Letters of Job responsibility, Role, and Description
- PF documents
- All the related documents which reveal the proofs of the Job
- Must include the achievements that you have got through your Job experience journey
However, the main focus is to get a positive result. You must take the help of professionals before proceeding as they have experienced enough and can suggest the possible steps for qualifying.